Private sector
Security analysis of the mine Bratství - Jáchymov
Implementation period: 1992
Submitter: UVVVR Prague
Authors: Hercík M., Nachmilner L., Vaněček M.
Borehole camera inspection
Implementation period: from 2010
Submitter: Czech Geological Survey, ARCADIS a.s., Vodohospodářská a obchodní společnost, a.s., ISATech s.r.o., Lázně Darkov, a.s., etc.
Subject of contract: camera inspection of borehole to the depth of 600 m.
Hydrodynamic pressure tests
Implementation period: 2011 - 2015
Submitter : Czech Geological Survey, ARCADIS a.s., ISATech s.r.o., Geomedia s.r.o.
Subject of contract: hydrodynamic pressure tests in boreholes to the depth of 100 m for geological survey.
Tracer tests - D8 highway
Implementation period: 2017
Submitter: SG Geotechnika, a.s.
Subject of contract: Tracer tests - construction of the D8 highway
Evaluation of Landfill Remediation of Heating Plant Ashes
Implementation period: 1993
Submitter: Teplárna Tábor a.s.
Authors: Nachmilner L., Vaněček M.
Hydrodynamic pumping tests
Implementation period: 2010
Submitter: Arcadis a.s.
Subject of contract: hydradynamic pumping tets at 100 m deep boreholes in locations Pozďátky, Panské Dubenky and Melechov.
Borehole cleaning, hydrodynamic tests
Implementation period: 2016 – 2017
Submitter: Patronus třetí, uzavřený investiční fond, a.s.
Subject of contract: Borehole cleaning, hydrodynamic tests – Lázně Darkov
Public sector
Security Analysis of the Mine Bratství - Jáchymov
Implementation period: 1992
Submitter: UVVVR Prague
Authors: Hercik M., Nachmilner L., Vaněček M.
Hydrogeological Survey, Finding and Building a Source of Drinking Water
Implementation period: 2018 - 2019
Submitter: Municipality Nižbor
Subject of contract: Žloukovice - Hydrogeological survey, finding and building a source of drinking water
Implementation of the Directory Seveso II
Implementation period: 2008
Provider: The Ministry or Environment of the Czech Republic
Project objectives: Preperation of technical documentations for the application of control systems in processing security documentation in the context of the Directive 96/82/EC (Seveso II) and their use for the preperation of technical documentation of „Management Systems and their use in Prevention of Major Accidents with special respect to Lower Tier and MAPP“ seminar, including organizational arragement of the activity of the preparatory group of national experts.
Research & Development
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004643 - Multigeneration Inactive Tracers
Research period: 2016 - 2019
Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade Czech Republic
Research team: PROGEO s.r.o., WATRAD spol. s r.o.
Project Manager: RNDr. Martin Milický
For reference see
TE02000029 Competence Centre for Effective and Ecological Mining of Mineral Resources
Research period: 2014 - 2019
Provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Research team: VSB Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Geological Survey, DIAMO, state enterprise, RPS Ostrava a.s., Sedlecký kaolin a.s., WATRAD, spol. s r.o.
Project Manager: prof. Ing. Vladimír Slivka, CSc., dr.h.c.
For reference see
FV10511 Effect of Long-term Heat pumps Operation on Sustainability of Rock Environment Energy Potential
Research period: 2016 - 2019
Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade Czech Republic
Research team: WATRAD spol. s r.o., Arcadis Geotechnika a.s., PROGEO s.r.o., Technical University in Liberec
Project Manager: MSc. Michal Vanecek
For reference see
FR-TI4/497 In-situ Research of Bentonite Stability during up to 95 oC Long Time Heating Experiment
Research period: 2012 - 2015
Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade Czech Republic
Research team: WATRAD spol. s.r.o., Geotechnika a.s., Czech Geological Survey, PROGEO s.r.o.,Technical University in Liberec
Project Manager: MSc. Michal Vaněček
For reference see
Development Cooperation
Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility in the Mountainous Parts of Georgia on the Example of Endangered Settlements, International Roads and Energy Conduits in Dusheti Municipality
Implementation period: 2014 – 2017
Provider: Czech Development Agency, Czech Geological Survey (Bilateral Development Cooperation)
Project objectives: The aim of the project is to increase the safety of the population and its protection from the negative effects of the geological disasters. Expected outcome of the project is to improve early warning system, to increase accuracy of short-term and mid-term geological hazard prognosis and to reduce or prevent the negative consequences of disasters. Researches provided for Mtsheta-Mtianeti region may serve as a model for the other regions of Georgia.
Geoparks – the new direction for sustainable regional development
Implementation period: 2015
Provider: Czech Development Agency (B2B Programme)
Project objectives: The feasibility study focuses on the possibility of establishing a pilot geopark in Georgia. For this region were selected Vashlovani National Park and adjacent areas due to the reasons set out in the study. The "pilot geopark" project is handled individually with the respect to the needs of the pilot area.
Minimization of the Impact of Mining Water on the Environment and Drinking Water Resources
Implementation period: 2015
Provider: Czech Development Agency (B2B Programme)
Project objectives: Feasibility study focused on the method of economically available decontamination, resp. demineralization of mine water and system solution from the point of view of state administration in the selected locality in Georgia.
Heating to the Schools
Implementation period: 2017 - 2018
Provider: Czech Development Agency (B2B Programme)
Project objectives: Implementation of central heat sources with biomass in selected schools in Georgia – Business plan, Realization
Reducing the Impact of Mine Water on Drinking Water Sources in the Kvirila River Basin
Implementation period: 2019
Provider: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project objectives: Reducing the Impact of Mine Water on Drinking Water Sources in the Kvirila River Basin, Chiatura, Georgia – Feasibility study