Our company has its own laboratories equipped with the necessary technology and equipment.
UV-VIS spectrometer Cintra 202
Based on a colorometric analysis of chemical solution, we are able to provide analysis of:
- ammonium ions,
- nitrates,
- nitrites,
- organic substances,
- selected chemical warfare agents,
- fluorescence analysis.
This method is suitable for analyses of liquid samples, e.g. drinking water, surface waters and groundwater, leachates from solid materials or food, to capture color changes or to detect material color.
Measurement of hydrodynamic parameters
Our laboratory is equipped with a specialized apparatus constructed for measurement and evaluation of hydrodynamic and migration parameters. The tests can be performed under simulated close to field conditions, if required. We offer:
- soil permeability measurement,
- soil permeability measurement,
Specialized strength characteristics measurement
For determining strength characteristics of rocks or buldings materials we use a specially developed apparatus.
Samples are subjected to the linear or pulse pressure with maximum values up to 300 bar. The pulse frequency can vary up to 15 Hz. During loading the sample is closed in a special cell, which allows to apply independent confining pressure. This allows to verify the rock strength characteristics with different lithostatic pressure. These tests can be carried out successfuly also in in-situ.